Welcome to Year One
Bumblebee and Dragonfly are our Year One classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page you will be able to read about our curriculum each half term and all the work we get up to in and out of the classroom.
The adults that work in Year 1 are:
Miss Kirsty Palmer: Bumblebee teacher
Mrs Lucy Jex: Learning Support Assistant
Photo pending.
Mr Matthew Turner: Dragonfly teacher
Mrs Natascia Newman: Learning Support Assistant
Our curriculum
Subject |
Content |
RWI (Phonics and Reading) and English (Writing and SPaG) |
Children will continue to work within their RWI groups to start to read fluently, sight read common exception words and other key words. We will learn 5 sentence stories orally and the children will develop the skill of writing multiple sentences and punctuating them correctly. The children will be undertaking handwriting lessons weekly as well as SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) where the focus will be using ‘and’ in a sentence and learning the prefix ‘-un’ as well as consolidating prior learning. |
Maths |
In Maths, we continue to follow white rose and we will be looking at place value within 20 and then addition and subtraction within 20. The children will build on prior knowledge of numbers within 10 and learn how to count, write and recognise the teen numbers. |
In science we are looking at the weather and seasons. We will begin the topic by exploring the four seasons and things which relate to those. Once we have looked in to this we will be moving on to looking at different types of clouds, before exploring rain gages and other types of equipment which records weather. Finally we will begin to understand weather symbols and extreme weather. |
History |
In history our topic is Kings and Queens. We will start by looking at our current monarch King Charles III and the coronation of our previous monarch Queen Elizabeth II. We will look at selection of Kings and Queens from history and the time when Oliver Cromwell ruled as Lord Protector. We will revisit the Magna Carta and explore how the amount of power monarchs have has changed over time. |
This half-term we move on to exploring architecture. Covered in this unit are observing and analysing architecture, drawing using observation, using the imagination to create their own work, evaluating their own work. The children will understand that architecture is the art of designing buildings; design is planning and drawing how something is going to look; buildings are built for a purpose and have features which serve a particular purpose; architects consider the purpose of building when they are designing it; artists evaluate their own work. |
PE |
This half term the children will be taking part in dance lessons in the studio on Mondays and sending and receiving lessons on Tuesdays outside. |
In RE this half term we will be learning about churches and their importance to Christians. We will explore the inside and outside of traditional church buildings but also look at how church doesn’t have to mean a special building but is a term used for Christians being together. We hope to visit St Marys Church in Ely as part of this unit. |
We move onto our next Jigsaw piece ‘Dreams and goals.’ The children will cover themes such as setting goals, achieving, celebrating, resilience and helping and supporting others. |
In this unit the children learn about ‘Animals in music’ and will we listen to the Carnival of the Animals by the French composer Saint-Saëns. It is a suite of pieces, in fourteen movements which describe different animals. The composer thought of the piece as a bit of fun, and not a serious composition. By listening to different parts of the Carnival of the Animals the children learn about the concept of pitch and how contrasting low and high pitch (in combination with using different speeds) can be used to evoke/represent different animals. They learn that different instruments create sounds of contrasting pitch, such as the double bass which is very low, and the flute which is high. They experiment creating their own music using their own voices and tuned percussion using contrasting pitch and speed (tempo) to represent different animals. They are also introduced to the idea that we can use symbols to represent music and create pictures to represent Saint-Saën’s piece, ‘Aquarium’. |
Computing |
This unit introduces learners to early programming concepts. Learners will explore using individual commands, both with other learners and as part of a computer program. They will identify what each floor robot command does and use that knowledge to start predicting the outcome of programs. The unit is paced to ensure time is spent on all aspects of programming and builds knowledge in a structured manner. Learners are also introduced to the early stages of program design through the introduction of algorithms. |
At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see what progress they have made.
D.T |
Weekly Newsflash - What have Year One been up to this week?
Newsflash w/c 10.02.25
Year 1 have had a busy end to the half term with an exciting tennis lesson on Tuesday and a visit to St Marys church on Friday. In between these exciting events we have been concluding our topics and consolidating our learning. Year 1 are ready for a well earned rest and we look forward to starting our new topics after half term. Our PE and library days will remain the same.
Newsflash w/c 03.02.25
Year 1 have enjoyed learning about Oliver Cromwell this week. We learnt about his role as Lord Protector and the new laws he introduced while being the leader of parliament. In Science, we have learnt about weather forecasts and discussed their importance. We also had a go and being meteorologists ourselves by role playing our own weather forecast. In maths, we have begun our new topic, 'addition and subtraction within 20' and we have been drawing on our previous knowledge of addition and subtraction as well as our number bond facts to support us with this.
Newsflash w/c 27.01.25
This week, Year 1 have concluded their place value within 20 topic and consolidated their learning at parent share by taking part in various tasks which included: one more and one less, estimating on a number line and comparing numbers. We also learnt about King Charles I and his belief that he was chosen to be King by God. Year 1 also learned about different types of clouds as part of our current science topic.
Newsflash w/c 20.01.25
Year 1 have been building their understanding of the number line to 20 this week. We have been comparing and estimating using our knowledge of the numbers to 20. In history, we learned about King Henry III and the Battle of Lewes. It was because of him that parliament was created.
Newsflash w/c 13.01.25
Year 1 have enjoyed learning more about past Kings and Queens in history this week and we learnt about King John I and the Magna Carta. We began our new Jigsaw topic 'Dreams and goals' and we thought about how we can set ourselves achievable goals that we can feel proud about. In Science, we learnt about weather tools: weather vane, rain gauge and a thermometer and we measured the temperature outside at the time. We also set up the rain gauge so we can measure the amount of rainfall we have in the coming week.
Newsflash w/c 06.01.25
Year 1 have had a busy and enjoyable first week. We have begun all our new topics for the first half term and are looking forward to the learning ahead. The children have particularly enjoyed our new history topic 'Kings and Queens'. Bumblebees enjoyed their first forest school session while Dragonflies enjoyed a full afternoon of Art. Keep checking the class Dojo pages for regular updates and information.