Welcome to Year 4
Grasshopper and Moth classes are our Year 4 classes here at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page, you will be able to read all about our engaging curriculum for the half term and see all of our fantastic learning activities.
PE days are Monday (Ball Skills) and Tuesday (Netball).
Library - Thursday for Moth and Friday for Grasshopper class.
Who works in Year 4?
Miss Jessica Overson Mrs Beth Wilshin
Mrs Katie Bartolozzi Mrs Jacky Pattenden Mrs Christy Collard
Our Curriculum – Spring 1:
This half term we will be learning:
English |
Mrs Boulpe and Miss Overson’s Group Our non-fiction unit will focus on newspaper reports and we will be using ‘Boy, Box, Baffled’ as our model to help us learn the key features needed to write a good newspaper report. We will build on the children’s previous knowledge of recounts, including writing in the past tense and in chronological order, as well learning how to write an introductory paragraph to share the important information such as what, when and where. We will also learn how to use a range of sentences to vary pace and create emphasis.
Mrs Bartolozzi’s Group Children will learn about setting and characterisation using the Talk4Writing approach beginning with a cold write and then moving through the imitation, innovation and independent stages. Our model text is The Tunnel by Anthony Browne which provides children with a high quality example. We will be focusing on ensuring we use the spelling rules which have been taught and spelling common exception words correctly. These can be found in the files below if you would like to practise them at home. We will also build a ‘characterisation toolkit’ and a ‘setting toolkit’ to improve the content of our writing looking at adjectives, using the power of three, verbs, adverbs and similes. |
Maths |
This half term we will be continuing to look at multiplication and division. The children will be learning written methods to help multiply and divide. Within multiplication they will be looking at multiplying more than two numbers. In division they will be looking at dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number, dividing a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number and then looking at remainders. Please ensure that your child is continuously practising their times tables at home. |
Science |
In science this half term will we be looking at Ecology. Within this unit we will be exploring living things and their habitats, the different natural cycles, the web of livings things, air pollution and how it is a threat to the environment and then finally looking at ecology within our local area. |
History |
In history we are learning about the Tudors. We will begin by looking at the Life in Tudor England. Then we will delve into who Henry VIII was and what his impact on the English Reformation was before then exploring his children, Edward VI and Mary I. |
Geography |
In geography this half term we are going to be exploring London as our capital city. Within this unit we will be starting by finding out the history of London and how it expanded over time. Following on we will be exploring the industrial parts of London and their impacts. The children will think about planning a trip to London and looking at how they would travel their and back. We will also look into depth at the London underground and what its purposes were. Then finally we will be looking at what tourists would explore when visiting London. |
PE |
In PE we will be learning Balls Skills on Monday and Netball on Tuesday. |
R.E |
In RE this half term we are learning about the 5 Pillars of Islam (Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawn, Hajj) including the duties that Muslims should perform to fulfil these. |
Spanish |
The children will start this half term with a cultural lesson finding out about Epiphany in Spain and revisiting months of the year in Spanish. The children will then learn the nouns for family members. Using this new knowledge, they will create a family tree before moving on to learning facial features in Spanish and how to use colours as adjectives to describe parts of the face. |
In PSHE the children will begin to develop lifelong skills in communication and working with others. It will help them to identify and value their own strengths, gifts and talents and to understand how these, along with others’ skills and strengths can contribute to the success of a group task. |
Art |
The children will discover elements of art include line, shape, form, space, light, texture, and colour. They will design, or composition means how these elements, or ingredients in the work of art work together to make a coherent whole. |
Computing |
This unit is the first of the two programming units in Year 4, and looks at repetition and loops within programming. Pupils will create programs by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns. They will use Logo, a text-based programming language. |
Knowledge Organisers
At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.
Spanish |
Computing |
Year 4's Spine Story: Ariki and the Island of Wonders by Nicola Davies
Weekly Newsflash
W/B 03.02.25
This week we have spent time learning our tools in our T4W, a journey tale based around 'Nail Soup'. The children have had a focus on speech punctuation, spilt speech, stage directions, fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and said synonyms. On Friday, we then boxed up out text to ensure we are ready for innovation next week. In Maths, Mrs Bartolozzi's group have been spending lots of time ensuring we feel confident dividing either a 2 or 3-digit number by a 1-digit number. Please can we ask that the children across the year group continue to practice these at home along with their times tables?
W/B 27.01.25
Another busy week in Year 4. This week the children spent time planning and writing their cold write in English in preparation for learning their new unit, a journey tale. Once they finished this they then learnt the model text, Nail Soup by using a range of different actions. Our afternoons have been super busy learning our curriculum. The children have loved learning about Henry VIII's children. This week we explored Edward and next week we will be exploring Mary.
W/B 13.01.25 and 20.01.25
For the next two weeks, In English, we will be writing our Newspaper Report. We will learn about the 5W's and how to structure our Newspaper. In Maths, we will learn how to multiply 2 digits by 1 digits numbers. Please ask your children to show you how we are using the written method to work through these numbers.
In Science, we will learn about Living Things and their processes. We will also learn about the Food Chains. In History, we are learning about King Henry VIII and the role he played in establishing the Church of England. In Geography, we have continued to learn about London. We are looking at how important River Thames was during the industrial revolution. We are getting inspired in Arts with the work of Henri Mattise. We are learning how to create cut-out Arts.
W/B 06.01.25
This week we have started our new T4W unit which is a newspaper report based around Boy, Box, Baffled. The children have had the opportunity to plan and write their cold writes so we can then base our learning on their gaps. In maths, we have all started our second multiplication and division unit. Our first few lessons have been based on factor pairs. See if your child can share the factor pairs for 12. Our afternoons have been super busy. Within art, we have been looking at the 7 different elements of art and how they are represented in a particular piece of art work.