Welcome to Year 6

Mantis and Scorpion classes are our Year 6 classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School.  On this page you will be able to read about our curriculum and learning activities.   

Adults in our classes:

Mrs Hema Patel-Thorpe              Mrs Christy Collard


Ms Louise Bradshaw-Campbell   Mrs Hannah Delgrazia


This half term, we will be learning:

This half term, we will be learning:


In English in the first part of this term, the pupils will be building on their previous knowledge of instructional texts to create detailed explanation texts in the context of spy devices. The pupils will explore an example and then design and write about their own device using formal language, a range of conjunctions and other adverbials for cohesion. In the second half of the term, we will be writing a short story in which a young spy character uses his or her spy device. We will be learning more about how to use dialogue to move the story forward and to develop characters.


This half term we will be looking at ratio and decimals. We are also shifting our focus at the end of the week towards more reasoning questions and multi-step questions in view of the SATs papers, having spent and progressed so well with the arithmetic paper.


In Science, the pupils will be building on their knowledge of Electricity and learning to build simple and parallel circuits that they can control with switches. They will also consider when and why each type of circuit is used. Further to this, they will also learn to use the symbols for each component of electrical circuits when drawing electrical circuits. The pupils will also plan and carry out investigations to explore what variables might affect circuits.


This term, we will begin our topic about the suffragettes. We will be working towards considering the question, ‘Why were all women over 21 finally granted the vote in 1928?' We will be examining how and why women's political parties emerged in the UK. We will also be identifying key figures that formed the movement to women finally getting the right to form part of the electorate in 1928.


Our topic this half term is ‘North America’.  We will be learning about the individual countries that make up the continent, their different geographical features and biomes as well some of the major rivers and cities.  The children will be comparing a region of North America with the UK.       

Physical Education

This half term we will be learning to play badminton indoors and netball outdoors.

Religious Education

This half term in RE we will be exploring the importance of prayer, with particular focus on the Islam faith. The children will be learning about the prayer ritual performed by Muslims and when and where they pray. They will be thinking about the prayer and questioning whether this in fact leads to being a better person.


This half term the children will explore the topic of sports. They will learn the nouns for different sports and look at the verb ‘jugar’ (to play) and the sports connected to this verb. Then, the children will create opinions about sports and look at a variety of adjectives to include reasons for liking or disliking a sport. The children will investigate a sporting event from Spain., and at the end of the topic, they will write a description of a sport and how it is played.

Computing This half term the children will be exploring the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. They start by finding out what variables are and relate them to real-world examples of values that can be set and changed. Then they use variables to create a simulation of a scoreboard. The children then experiment with variables in an existing project, then modify them, before they create their own project, whilst also looking at the game design. Finally, they use their knowledge of variables and design to improve their games in Scratch.
Art This half term the children will be looking at Victorian Art and Architecture. The children explore the architecture of the Houses of Parliament and how this important building was influenced by both gothic and classical style. The children go on to study examples of Victorian architecture which they see in their local environment, identifying where it has either classical or gothic influences. Over the course of three lessons they do detailed drawings of famous London buildings (the Houses of Parliament, St Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey) which show gothic or classical influence. The children then study the work of the Victorian pre-Raphaelite artists. They look in detail at Ophelia by Millais and The Annunciation by Rossetti and practise careful observation themselves, by using watercolours to paint flowers.
PSHE This half term our focus is Dreams and Goals. In class the children will talk about their own strengths and further stretching themselves by setting challenging and realistic goals. They discuss the learning steps they can take and how to stay motivated. The children explore various global issues and explore places where people may be suffering or living in difficult situations. The children will also be exploring what they think their classmates like and admire about them as well as working on giving others praise and compliments.    


This half term the children are introduced to the blues. Blues is a musical genre that originated in the Southern states of the United States of America in the African-American community around the 1860s. It was originally typically slow, sad music where in a song a singer would sing about difficult things in their life. The children learn to identify the most common type of blues which is built with chords made on the I, IV and V notes of the scale, over 12 bars of 4/4 time (12 bar blues). The children then learn to play a 12 bar blues bassline on tuned percussion and create their own walking bassline. Finally, they will listen to Herbie Hancock’s two versions of Watermelon Man which is built around a blues structure but exemplifies the genres of jazz and funk which are closely related to the blues and use a ‘groove’ (a repetitive rhythmic idea) and improvisation. They try adding improvisation to their own 12 bar blues songs.



Knowledge Organisers

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.

Science Spring A 

Geography Spring A

History Spring A

PSHE Spring A
Music Spring A

RE Spring A

Art Spring A



W/C 03.02.25

We have had an exciting week in Year 6 this week with the children completing their spy gadget creation explanation texts in English. They have also been working on their best book copy which we are hoping to put up on one of the Year 6 display walls next week as they are so fantastic! In Science we explored parallel circuits and understood how our homes are designed with these electrical circuits, allowing more than one path for the current to flow. The challenge in Maths lessons has increased as the we have been trying to solve algebraic equations and understand the formulae. Finally in art, we have started to look at the pre Raphaelite artists and in particular, the work of Millias and his painting of Ophelia. They then explored different watercolour techniques, ready to paint flowers next week. Have a lovely weekend!


W/C 20.01.25

We have had another exciting yet busy week in Year 6! We have started designing our spy gadgets for our explanation texts, thinking about the features we would like our gadgets to have and really lifting our vocabulary to include some high level technical words. In history, we learned about the radical nature of the suffragettes and the lengths they went to to secure the women's vote. We have also finished our ratio unit and the children all did really well on the end of unit assessment. Next week, we will be doing another week of assessments so please rest and recuperate ready for another busy week! Have a lovely weekend!



W/C 7/01/2025

It has been a fantastic start to the Spring Term in Year 6. The children have returned, fully refreshed and ready for a busy term of learning. We have started our new unit of ratio where the children have looked at the relationship between two numbers and have been able to explore the multiplicative nature of ratio with some increasing difficult questions over the week. In English we completed our cold task on our new explanation text type using the theme of gadgets. Over the coming weeks, the children will learn to internalise and understand the model text as readers and writers as we work towards the children creating their own spy gadget and create their own explanation text on their gadget. In History we started out new unit on the suffragettes and learned how poorly the electorate reflected society in the 19th century. Finally the children learned about the classical architectural influence on some of our famous London landmarks such as the Houses of Parliament and drew a pencil line drawing of the landmark themselves. Well done Year 6 for a great first week back!