A dinosaur had been exploring our class and left behind some footprints and a letter asking for help. She had lost her eggs and couldn’t find them. The children suggested we went on a hunt around the school to find them. Previously we had read ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and decide to make our own story. “We’re going on an egg hunt. We’re going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We’re not scared”.
We hunted the corridors in the snow storm, we hunted the library through the thick oozy mud, we hunted outside and went through a cold, freezing river until we found two massive eggs.
The children retold the story, drew pictures and recorded sentences. They left notes for the ‘mummy dinosaur’ and cared for the eggs. They built dinosaurs from different shapes and used their mathematical language to describe and explain why they had chosen the shapes they did. They used real dinosaur eggs for addition and explored the dinosaur museum, looking for fossils.