21 January 2019

Parcel from India

Caterpillar class had an exciting parcel arrive all the way from India

18 January 2019

Can you build a mosaic without glue?

Moth Class visited Ely Museum

9 October 2018

The Dragon Hunters' visit

9 October 2018

Into the Woods

3 October 2018

Tiny Tim and Geoffrey Giraffe Go Missing!

The children arrived at school to find their class pets had gone missing. Read on to find out where they found them....

3 October 2018

Trip to Ely Museum

Dragonfly Class really enjoyed their trip to Ely Museum.

3 July 2018

Parent Mail is Live!

14 March 2018

Talk Boost

In Little Elvers, a small group of children have been enjoying a ‘Talk Boost’ programme designed to boost their language and social skills

14 March 2018

Spider's Bug Hotel

This week Year 2 have been exploring habitats and how animals have adapted to live in certain habitats.

13 March 2018

Lacewing's Amazing Learning

Lacewing Class have had a great few weeks learning about rocks and fractions

13 March 2018

Caterpillar's EE Project

Caterpillar class have been working on their Enabling Enterprise skills and  working in teams to redesign the library.